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Keratoconus – What you need to Know?

Keratoconus – What you need to Know?
Anish July 15, 2023

Keratoconus is a condition where the dome-shaped curvature of cornea thins and attains a conical shape. This causes protrusion of cornea outside the eye which looks like a cone. It is a specific condition where the symptoms like blurred vision, distorted vision, astigmatism, double vision, inability to see in dim light, nearsightedness, sensitivity to light, discoloration in the frontal areas of the eye, etc are noticed during the puberty or early teens and progresses further with age. During clinical assessment, allergic conjunctivitis is also commonly observed. If the symptoms are left untreated, the condition progresses and may even lead to vision loss. The stages of Keratoconus can be classified as nipple conus, oval conus, and globus conus

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